跨校漫遊 Inter-Campus Wireless Roaming

跨校漫遊簡易設定說明 Inter-Campus Wireless Roaming Setup Guide

  1. 請先確定使用者所屬學校是否可以跨校漫遊。目前參與跨校漫遊的學校清單,請見TANet無線網路漫遊交換中心
    First, confirm if the user's affiliation allows for Inter-Campus Wireless Roaming. Please refer to the list of connected schools at the Taiwan Academic Network Roaming Center.
  2. 無線網路名稱(SSID):請選擇「TANetRoaming」或「eduroam」。
    Service Set Identifier (SSID):Please select either「TANetRoaming」or「eduroam」.
  3. 無線漫遊帳號說明 Wireless Roaming Account Instructions
    • (1) 他校使用者:每個學校帳號格式不同,詳情請洽所屬學校的計算機與資訊網路中心。
      Users from other schools:The account format varies for each school. For detailed instructions, please contact the Computer and Information Network Center of your affiliated school.
    • (2) 中興大學教職員、學生:請使用學校的Email帳號和密碼登入。
      Students and staff of NCHU:Please use your school email account credentials to log in. (Please enter your complete email account)
      • 教職員:帳號@dragon.nchu.edu.tw 或 帳號@nchu.edu.tw
        Staff:your-account@dragon.nchu.edu.tw or your-account@nchu.edu.tw
      • 學 生:帳號@mail.nchu.edu.tw
        E-mail account is formed by substituting the first digit of your student ID number by an alphabet defined by your academic program.
        學制 Academic Program 學號 Student ID E-mai帳號 E-mailAccount
        大 學 部 Undergraduate 410165001 s10165001@mail.nchu.edu.tw
        研 究 所 Graduate 7101027415 g101027415@mail.nchu.edu.tw
        博 士 班 PHD 8101041002 d101041002@mail.nchu.edu.tw
        在職專班 Executive Master 510151005 w10151005@mail.nchu.edu.tw
        進 修 部 Night Division 3101027415 n101027415@mail.nchu.edu.tw
  4. 跨校漫游登入方式 Inter-Campus Wireless Roaming Setup