1. 從校門口沿中興路直走至大學路(第二個路口)左轉,前行至中興東路(第一個路口)右手邊即為資訊科學大樓。
From the main entrance, go straight along Chung Hsing Rd. to Da Xue Rd. (the second intersection) and turn left.
Continue to Chung Hsing East Road (the first intersection); the Information Science Building will be on your right.
2. 從校門口沿中興路直走至大學北路(第一個路口)左轉,前行至中興東路右轉直走至大學路,左手邊即為資訊科學大樓。
From the main entrance, go straight along Chung Hsing Rd. to Da Xue North Rd. (the first intersection) and turn left.
Continue to Chung Hsing East Road, turn right, and proceed straight to Da Xue Rd.; the Information Science Building will
be on your left.

The basement primarily serves as the Zhiping Hall, typically used for hosting large conferences and seminars.
The first and second floors serve as the main office areas. The first floor includes the Director's Office (103),
Administration and Consultation Devision Leader's Office (109), Administration and Consultation Devision Office (105),
Information Security Certification Body Office (104), Meeting Room(1) (110), and Meeting Room(2) (112).
The second floor includes the Research and Development Division Leader's Office (212), Research and Development Division
Office (213), Application System Development Division Leader's Office (211), Application System Development Division
Office (216), Information and Network Division Leader's Office (203), Information and Network Division Office (217), 2PC
Computer Classroom (214), and 3PC Computer Classroom (215).