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Teacher service information

update date : 2024-06-20

National Chung Hsing University Mentor System:

  1. The mentor system has been integrated into the single sign on system https://onepiece.nchu.edu.tw/ps/plsql/m_stua_c

    (Including: mentor list/notice/tutoring record, mid-term warning for tutors)

  2. Mentor system operating instructions https://www.osa.nchu.edu.tw/osa/hac/teacher.html#manual

  3. The student rewards and punishment information system has been integrated into the single sign on system

National Chung Hsing University Attendance Management System:

  1. Attendance management system has been integrated into SSO https://portal.nchu.edu.tw

  2. Teacher leave, sales order, job agency, business trip order printing https://psf.nchu.edu.tw/PsnWeb/

  3. Overtime approval, business leave approval, vacation subsidy inquiry https://psf.nchu.edu.tw/PsnWeb/

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