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Introduction and Usage Instructions of Email Attachment link

update date : 2024-12-05

What is the email attachment link

【Email attachment link】It's function is to assist the sender in increasing the "opportunity" to rectify the mistake if the wrong file is sent (as long as the recipient has not opened the email).

When using this feature, the email attachment is not sent along with the email itself. Instead, the attachment is converted into a link. When the recipient receives the email, they can click on the link within the email to download the attachment from the server.(figure 1)(figure 2)




 figure 1. The format of the email with attached links.




figure 2 The download screen for linked attachments.


Therefore, the email attachment is still stored in the user's email system. If the sender realizes they have sent the wrong file, as long as the recipient has not yet received the email or downloaded the file, the sender can simply remove the file from the system. Once the file is removed, the recipient will not be able to successfully download it when clicking on the link.(figure 3)


figure 3 After the sender removes the file,the recipient  cannot download the attachment.


  • Usage instructions for linked attachments

There are two ways to enable it.

First, Enable when selecting the attachment

As an evolution feature of the email system, users simply need to check 【Use Linked Attachments】 when selecting attachments under "My Files" to enable it.

selecting the attachment


figure 4. Enable linked attachments in the regular upload feature.


figure 5. Enable linked attachments in the "My Files" feature.

Second, Switch after uploading attachments.


figure 6. Switching between traditional attachments and linked attachments functionality.


figure 7. After enabling, users can configure settings related to linked attachments.


figure 8. Settings related to linked attachments.


  • How to view the sending record of linked attachments?
    • Clicking on the details button allows you to view detailed sending information.


figure 9. Record of linked attachments


figure 10. Record of linked attachment transmission


figure 11.  Information about linked attachment transmission


  • Remove linked attachment


figure 12. Cloud Attachments The function menu of Cloud Attachments


figure 13. Management of linked attachments




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