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How to detect HTTPS connections

update date : 2024-06-06

-- Confirm whether the web page uses HTTPS --

1.  A lock will appear in the browser address bar, click it and a certificate will appear, which means you are browsing the web using HTTPS.




2. If "Not Secure" appears in the browser address bar and no certificate appears after clicking, it means HTTPS is not used.



-- Use TWNIC free check tool --

Detection URL:https://check.twnic.tw  ,Enter the URL in the input box and press Start Test, and the test will begin.


The test report finds content related to HTTPS, and the results of "HTTPS Status" and "HTTPS Redirect" are YES, which means there is compliance. If it displays No, it means it is not met.




The TLS version must be TLS1.2 or above. If NONE is displayed, it means it matches the version. If other words appear, it means they are not consistent.


Other related document references:

● How to automatically direct HTTP to HTTPS
    Windows Server IIS :https://sdwh.dev/posts/2021/09/IIS-Http-Redirect-To-Https/

● How to configure TLS 1.2(apache for example):https://www.twblogs.net/a/5c9e6eb9bd9eee752388794d

● Applying for Let’s Encrypt SSL Certificates and Scheduling Automatic Certificate Renewal for CentOS 7.x

● Applying for Let's Encrypt SSL Certificates and Scheduling Automatic Certificate Renewal for Windows Server

● How to Apply for Free Let's Encrypt SSL Certificates with Automatic Renewal, Suitable for Self-hosted IIS Websites

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