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Why do we often see "TANetRoaming" in school wireless networks?

update date : 2024-06-05


  1. 'TANetRoaming' is an SSID specifically used for TANet roaming to allow other school users to use the wireless network in this school.
  2. There is no difference between 'NCHU' and 'TANetRoaming,' which are both common SSIDs of our school's wireless network. Both can be used for authentication through school email and MAC addresses.
  3. It is recommended that NCHU users use 'NCHU' as much as possible. Some information security restrictions on roaming users may affect the use of on-campus resources.


  • After certifying the school AP, the SSID of the last login will be remembered. For example: if I choose 'NCHU' for authentication this time, the 'NCHU' SSID will be automatically selected the next time I turn on WIFI."


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